To the Republic of Croatia after 01.01.2023. introduces the Euro. After that date, all invoices issued in stores will be issued in Euros. However, these bills will still be able to be paid in kunas and euros in the first two weeks from the specified date. In this way, all citizens will be able to spend their remaining cash in kunas without the need to go to the bank and exchange these kunas for euros.This application can help precisely in dividing the total amount of the bill in euros into the desired amount of kunas and euros.For example: at the cash desk after 01.01.2023. we receive an invoice in the amount of €358.55. If we enter this amount into the application, it will inform us that it is HRK 2,701.49 in total (calculated according to the conversion rate). Now we can decide how many kuna we want to partially pay this bill with. Lets take for example that we have HRK 1,800 that we want to spend. We will enter that kuna amount into the application, after which it will calculate that €119.65 still needs to be paid to settle the entire bill. If we have €150 in cash, we can also enter that amount into the application, after which it will calculate how many kunas or euros the merchant must return to us. In this case, it would be €30.35 (exceptionally, if the merchant does not have enough euros in the cash register, he can return HRK 228.68).